The Bucks

D&A's Dazzle

D&A's Thunder x D&A's Goldie

Black gold tip steel senior holland lop buck. Black gold tip steel senior holland lop buck.

PROVEN Black GT Steel Sr. Buck. Physcially, Dazzle is big boy, but genetically he is a true dwarf. He throws his monster head and bone all day long. Was nice to find out that he also carries dilute. He certainly grew into those ears!

Genotype: AaB_C_DdE(s)E

GBF's Goblin

D&A's Dazzle x GBF's Hope

Blue steel buck. Blue steel buck.

Blue GTS Buck. BONE galore on this guy.

When Goblin still had his baby-coat, he was a Snowball. This was my first experience with a Snowball and I was quite stumped for awhile. He did molt out of it. Here are some pictures of him in his baby coat:

Blue steel buck. Blue steel buck. Blue steel buck.

GBF's Black Thorn

D&A's Dazzle x GBF's Hope

Black gold tip steel buck.

Black GT Steel Buck.

The Does

GBF's un-named

Broken Black GTS Doe.

Broken black steel, silver tipped, doe. Broken black steel, silver tipped, doe. Broken black steel, silver tipped, doe.

GBF's Stillson

Broken chocolate gold tipped steel holland lop. Broken chocolate gold tipped steel holland lop. Broken chocolate gold tipped steel holland lop.

Broken CHOCOLATE Gold Tipped Steel Buck.

This is THE guy that really threw me for a loop. After I found him, I checked the other litter sired by the same buck and found Stella and Stasja. How fun!! His type is not great, but, he's very pretty.

Genotype: A_ bb C_ Dd E(s)E En en

GBF's Trip-Wire

Laymon's "Downer" x GBF's Carman

Self-steel junior holland lop doe.

Self Steel Non-extension Jr. Doe. A wide-set, solid chunkster out of GBF's Carman. Trip-Wire will replace Carman in our breeding program. Genotype: aaB_C_D_E(s)e.

Like GBF's Hope, I suspect that Trip-Wire carries c(chl), which is causing me to get what I think are Sable Steels. I plan to breed Trip Wire to one of my self-based REW bucks to try and determine if that is in fact true or not.

Jan's Blue Bell

Maple Ridge Blue x ARR's Karen

Blue GT Steel senior doe??. Blue GT Steel senior doe??.

PROVEN Solid Sr. Doe.

GBF's Luxe

D&A's Dazzle x GBF's Hope

Blue Sable Steel junior holland lop doe.

Blue GTS Jr. Doe. I ADORE this doe! She already has a butt ruffle, with great head curvature and a petite thick ear to match her short fat feet and heavy bone.

GBF's Copper Top

D&A's Dazzle x GBF's Trip Wire

Black GT Steel junior holland lop doe.

Black GT Steel Jr. Doe. Another junior I'm in love with right now. BONE. Just waiting for her to grow into her ear.

GBF's Tantalizer

D&A's Dazzle x GBF's Trip Wire

Black GT Steel junior holland lop doe.

Black? Jr. Doe. Stumpy front limbs on this girl. I know - her ears are ghastly right now, but I'm very confident that she will grow into them. She is phenomically black, however, she could be some form of Black GT Steel based on what her parents are. She could be "Aa" or "aa" in the A-series (although I am leaning towards 'aa') and "E(s)E(s)", "E(s)E", "E(s)e" or "Ee" in the E-series. Will have to breed her to determine what she really is.