GC ELS’s Mr. SandMan - Registered - 4 legs
ELS’s Swayzee x Rachel’s Banana Cream Pie
BIS Winner at the Angora Specialty Show, Lafayette, IN April 5th, 2008

September 27, 2006 - November 22, 2009
BIS Winner at the Angora Specialty Show, Lafayette, IN April 5th, 2008
September 27, 2006 - November 22, 2009
Best in Show! 2010 St. Joseph County 4H Fair!!
REW Sr. Buck. Oh my gosh... this guy is so nice. Gorgeous texture and density to his coat. Heavily furnished face with cute ears that are tipping. I'm very excited about him.
Tort Sr. Buck. Awesome type, masculine wide head, heavy bone, and thick rounded butterfly ears. He is beautiful with his dense wool and balanced texture. I am so lucky to have gotten this fellow from Emily. As she says, "An amazing buck". Bloodlines: Silvertone and Chu.
Genotype aaBbC_D_ee
Tort Sr. Buck. Beautiful crimp on this young bucks coat. Wide, massive face with profuse furnishings and thick, butterfly ears. Just a gorgeous fellow. He loves to hop out of his cage into my arms when I'm feeding him. I thought Sampson was a fitting name for this wooly, strong looking fellow.
BOS, BOSV HCERP New Years Eve Show 12/2007 at 10 weeks old; BOS HCHRA 2/2008 at 3.5 months old (leg); BOB, BOV NCRF 3/2008.
Genotype aaBbCcDdee
REW Sr. Buck. Arthur has a nicely textured coat coming in, with very good crimp.
Arthur had a long weekend (Nov 22). He earned two legs at the Mason, MI show. All the buns spent the night in the car, in carriers as the next day was the Rochester, IN show. Arthur most likely would have earned his 3rd leg in Rochester, however the stress of a 3 show weekend gave him a snotty nose and he was DQ'd because of it. Poor guy. He is consistently in Salome's shadow on the show table.
Genotype: aa ?_ cc ?_ ee
BOS, BOSV SCMRBA 11/2008 (leg); BOS, BOSV CMRBA 11/2008 (leg); BOS, BOSV IRF 12/2008.
REW Sr. Doe.
Byrd is developing very nicely. She has a very nice round HQ and nice coat coming in. She could very well be hiding chocolate as both parents carry it. Dilute is also a possibility as her sire carries it.
REW Sr. Doe. I was very happy to be able to purchase Salome at the 2008 Convention from Brenda. Salome is a very pretty girl with a nicely furnished face, beautifully textured and dense wool. She placed 6th out of 13 Sr. White Does, which was very good considering she was not quite 7 months old at convention - up against older does who had a few more months to add length to their coats. Salome carries Chocolate.
Salome GRANDED in one weekend (Nov 22 & 23). She took 2 BOB and one BOG to earn her three legs!!
BOS NCIRBA 11/2008; BOB, BOG CMRBA 11/2008 (leg); BOG SCMRBA 11/2008 (leg); BOB, BOG MTCRBA 11/2008 (leg); BOB, BOG IRF 12/2008 (leg).
Chocolate Agouti Sr. Doe. Adrian has very nice body going on under that wool. She is turning out to be a nice addition to the Angora herd. All three judges at the Columbus show admired her round hips. A very personable gal. Her coat has filled in very nicely - such a pretty girl.
2nd Colored JD Angora Specialty 5/2008; 1st Colored JD Tri-B Show A and Show B 5/2008; 1st Paulding RB, OH 6/2008; BOG Miami County RA, OH 6/2008 Shows A & B (2 legs); BOB, BOV 2008 St. Joseph County 4H Fair
Genotype AabbC_DdE_
Pointed White (Chocolate) Sr. Doe.
GBF's Antionette is my daughter's favorite. She didn't want to follow the 'composers' naming convention, so Antionette it is. She's an Agouti, but I plan to try and breed that out for true Pointed Whites.
Genotype: Aabbc(h)cDdEe